Improve your community management with


Better understand the needs of your community and create personalized experiences at scale with the help of AI.

See what can you do

Empower your user communities

graft for recommendations with modern ai

Forward a new post to Graft to surface similar content from the past. Maximize engagement by serving the topics users are most interested in.

graft for clustering

Identify top topics and find representative posts for each one. Compile them into blog articles or help docs as part of your content strategy.

graft for content moderation

Implement content filters based on all aspects of a post including text, image, audio, and video.  Stay up-to-date and engaged on critical or sensitive topics.

graft for Q&A

Automatically distill the noise of public forums and feedback channels down to actionable learnings, and empower your community to ask questions through an intelligent chat bot.

Leverage Modern AI to improve your community

All you need to get started is data, and within minutes, you can deploy production-grade AI applications like content moderation, recommendations, clustering, interactive Q&A, and more.

Content Moderation

Moderate content in close to real-time

Use out-of-the-box filters or create your own to detect unwanted content in your community based on text, images, and more.

Graft for content moderation
Graft for recommendations with modern ai

Increase engagement by recommending similar posts

Maximize engagement by serving the topics users are most interested in. Recommend similar content to users. Works with both new and existing content.

Interactive Q&A

Get summaries and ask questions

Automatically distill the noise of public forums and feedback channels down to actionable learnings, and empower your community to ask questions through an intelligent chat bot.

Graft for question and answer
Graft for clustering

Turn your community into a content powerhouse

Identify top topics and find representative posts for each one. View and interact with clusters of content.

Why choose Graft?


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The Impact of Modern AI on Community Management

See how Modern AI is propelling community management to new heights and why you don't want to be left behind.

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The Hallmarks of Modern AI

Let's situate recent advances in AI within a broader context, a context that also allows us to look ahead toward the coming rise of what we call Modern AI.

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the era of modern ai
Unify Knowledge

Make your company information accessible and discoverable.

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Quick Setup

No coding; no AI expertise; and no infrastructure required.

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Enterprise Security

We're serious about keeping your data safe, and we never use it to benefit anyone but you.

Equip your teams with intelligence

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Immediate productivity gains
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Save 2-3 hours/week/employee
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Reduce costs