Equip your team to

work smarter

Transform your team into productivity superheroes, soaring through tasks at the speed of light and outsmarting business challenges with superhuman insight!

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Faster Time-to-Value

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Lower Total Cost of Ownership

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Higher Quality Outcomes

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100% Data Coverage

Boost efficiency, minimize errors, and amplify productivity

Unlock, integrate, and utilize your company data like never before with Graft's Intelligence Layer.

hybrid search with ai

Search your workplace

No more sifting through scattered docs and multiple data sources. Find exactly what you need in seconds by searching across all your company’s apps and data.

ai-powered answers (rag)

Get instant answers

Getting instant answers rooted in the company knowledge 24/7. No more waiting on teammates for answers. Resolve more issues, faster.

Generative AI at any scale

Generate content

Draft personalized emails, support responses, technical docs, and more, in seconds.

classify data with AI

Classify your data

Categorize survey responses, emails, and tickets with custom labels for less errors.

ai-powered summaries

Summarize docs

Condense information into concise summaries, making information easily digestible.

ai extraction

Extract insights

Pull specific dates and  information from datasets or documents with a single prompt.

Build custom AI apps on top of
Graft’s Intelligence Layer

Scalable infrastructure to support the growth and ambitions of your organization's knowledge management initiatives

Tap Into Your
Collective Knowledge

Strategize, Don't Agonize

Shift from admin to strategy so you can focus on high-value impact.

Raise the Bar

Unlock new insights from your data with AI, faster.

Quickly Find Information

Reclaim your workday with AI-powered search.

The Bottom Line?

Empower your team with secure, privacy-first AI solutions.
Unify Knowledge

Make your company information accessible and discoverable.

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Quick Setup

No coding; no AI expertise; and no infrastructure required.

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Enterprise Security

We're serious about keeping your data safe, and we never use it to benefit anyone but you.

Equip your teams with intelligence

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Immediate productivity gains
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Save 2-3 hours/week/employee
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Reduce costs