summaries in seconds
Quickly grasp key information without having to read through extensive documentation
Quickly grasp key information without having to read through extensive documentation
Deliver more accurate and relevant search results.
It's like Google’s image search, but customized to your data.
Quickly discover items closely related to your initial query.
Quickly extract insights, boost productivity, and make informed decisions.
Create shorter, easily digestible versions of your content, making it more accessible for readers with limited time or attention spans.
Process lengthy legal documents, such as contracts and case law, enabling lawyers to quickly identify essential information and better prepare for negotiations or court proceedings.
Quickly summarize lengthy technical documents, user manuals, and standard operating procedures (SOPs), saving time and improving comprehension.
Make your company information accessible and discoverable.
No coding; no AI expertise; and no infrastructure required.
We're serious about keeping your data safe, and we never use it to benefit anyone but you.