Feature Stores: A Guide for AI Practitioners

JD Prater

September 5, 2023

Table of Contents

Feature stores—sounds like a trendy tech buzzword, right? Well, it's more than just that. If you've been wondering "what is a feature store?" and how it's revolutionizing the realm of machine learning, you've come to the right place.

Let's dive in!

Feature Stores in Machine Learning: Role and Benefits

So, you're curious about how feature stores fit into the machine learning puzzle. At the heart of it, feature stores serve as a bridge, connecting data engineering with data science. They act as a centralized hub for data storage and feature engineering, making data processing a breeze.

What are Feature Stores? 

A feature store is essentially a centralized repository that manages, stores, and serves features for machine learning models. It provides a way to handle real-time predictive analytics by automating the process of feature computation, making data easily accessible for data scientists.

Now, let's look at why feature stores are turning heads in the machine learning world:

  1. Simplicity is key. Feature stores streamline the workflow, making the process of feature extraction, storage, and retrieval easy. Say goodbye to those countless hours spent on manual feature engineering.
  2. Collaboration made easy. Remember the time when you had to share features with your team through some convoluted process? Feature stores eliminate this hassle, making feature sharing as easy as pie.
  3. Consistency, please! Consistent features are critical in machine learning. Feature stores ensure that your features are consistent across training and prediction stages, enhancing your model's performance.
  4. Time is money. Feature stores speed up the process of deploying machine learning models. You can quickly access pre-computed features, saving you time and resources.
what's a feature store

There you have it. Feature stores are not just about storing features—they're about making your life easier. They're simplifying the process of feature engineering, making collaboration a breeze, ensuring consistency, and speeding up deployment. And that's just the beginning! With specific platforms like Databricks taking advantage of feature stores, the benefits are only increasing. But we'll get to that later. For now, let's take a look at how feature stores centralize operations when it comes to data storage and processing.

How Feature Stores Centralize Operations

Shifting gears a bit, let's explore the functionality of feature stores in depth. It's like having a well-organized toolbox—everything you need is in one place, just a hand-reach away. So, what's the magic behind this organization? It's all about centralization.

Data Centralization—Imagine, instead of having your data scattered across multiple platforms, you have it all bundled up neatly in one place. This is the magic feature stores bring to the table. They serve as a central repository, storing raw data, features, and feature sets all under one roof.

But, feature stores don't just store data. They also handle Data Processing. This includes transforming raw data into features suitable for machine learning models. Feature stores do this by utilizing a variety of data processing frameworks, automating the transformation process and ensuring it's consistent and repeatable.

Open-source machine learning feature store developed by Gojek (source)

Importantly, feature stores also allow for Real-Time and Batch Processing. It's like having a superpower that enables you to process data as it streams in real-time or in large batches-whichever suits your needs. This flexibility is vital when dealing with different types of machine learning models.

Lastly, feature stores take care of Data Versioning. It's like having a time machine for your data, allowing you to go back to any version of your features whenever you need it. This is particularly useful for debugging models or replicating experiments.

So, to answer your question about "what is a feature store?"—it's a central hub that not only stores but also processes your data, catering to both real-time and batch processing requirements, while also keeping track of data versions. Quite a game-changer, isn't it? But wait till you hear how it simplifies feature engineering. But more on that next.

How Feature Stores are Redefining Workflows for Data Scientists 

Let's dig into the nitty-gritty of how feature stores are redefining the workflow for data scientists and entire data teams. It's like giving your data scientists a sleek, turbocharged sports car when they've been used to trudging along in a rickety old wagon.

The Old Way of Doing Things

Data scientists often found themselves bogged down with manual tasks like data cleansing, normalization, and feature extraction. It was much like being a gourmet chef forced to spend most of the day peeling potatoes rather than concocting delicious dishes. These tasks not only drained time but also sapped creative energies that could have been channeled into model development and hypothesis testing.

A Shift in Focus: From Data Engineering to Data Science

Feature stores come into play as the invaluable sous-chefs, automating many of these rudimentary tasks. Instead of juggling between data wrangling and model tuning, data scientists can now allocate more time to the latter. That means more time for in-depth analyses, hyperparameter tuning, and model optimization. Essentially, feature stores let data scientists do what they do best: actual data science.

Image source: Data Science. Bayes theorem

Standardization: A Common Language Across the Board

In a large organization with multiple teams of data scientists and analysts, different people could be duplicating efforts by engineering the same features in slightly different ways. Feature stores offer a standardized library of features that everyone can tap into. It's like a communal pantry stocked with the best ingredients, enabling anyone on the team to cook up a masterpiece.

Accelerated Productivity: Faster Turnaround, Less Redundancy

Think of feature stores as an advanced assembly line for data features. Once a feature is engineered and stored, it can be reused across multiple models and projects. The resulting efficiency gain is exponential; not only do individual data scientists save time, but project timelines also become significantly shorter. Imagine cutting down your project delivery time by weeks or even months—now that's a win!

Talent Utilization: Leveraging Expertise Where It Counts

Let's not overlook the human angle here. When data scientists are freed from repetitive data engineering tasks, they can contribute more creatively to problem-solving and strategy. This taps into the higher-level skills for which they were hired in the first place, ultimately leading to a more engaged and fulfilled workforce.


Feature stores mark a transformative moment for organizations, especially those with a large contingent of data specialists. They don't just represent a technological shift, but a cultural one too, refocusing energies and talents on innovation and impactful problem-solving.

So whether you're a software engineer trying to integrate machine learning models into an app, an IT professional overseeing data infrastructure, or a product manager aiming to make data-driven decisions, feature stores offer a pathway to achieve these goals more efficiently and effectively. The future isn't just bright; it's streamlined, optimized, and profoundly exciting.

Feature Engineering Simplified with Feature Stores

Let's talk about feature engineering—it's that part of the machine learning process that feels like you're trying to solve a Rubik's cube, right? Well, not anymore. With feature stores, it's more like playing with building blocks.

When you're wondering "what is a feature store", think of it as your personal assistant in feature engineering. Feature stores automate the process of creating and managing features. This means less hassle for you and more time to focus on building your models. Here's how it does that:

  1. Automating Feature Creation: Feature stores come packed with methods for feature transformation. This means you don't have to spend hours writing code to transform your data into features. You can input raw data, and the feature store handles the transformations needed to convert that data into usable features. This automation frees up the data scientists from repetitive feature engineering tasks, allowing them to focus on higher-value model development and experimentation.
  2. Providing Consistency: Ever had trouble because one part of your data was processed differently than the other? Feature stores ensure that doesn't happen. They provide consistent feature processing across all your data, making sure everything aligns perfectly.
  3. Enabling Feature Reuse: Now, this is where feature stores truly shine. With a feature store, you can reuse features across different models. This means you don't have to recreate features every time you start a new project. You just dip into your feature store, and voila, ready-to-use features at your disposal.
  4. Ensuring Traceability: Feature stores keep a record of all the transformations your data goes through. So, if you ever need to trace back your steps or debug your model, your feature store has your back.

So, "what is a feature store?" In the context of feature engineering, it's your best pal—automating feature creation, ensuring consistency, enabling feature reuse, and keeping everything traceable. You might be starting to see why feature stores are becoming the new favorite tool among data scientists!

Aiding in Management, Storage, and Sharing of Features

Feature stores, as we've already established, are pretty nifty tools to have in your data science toolkit. But their utility extends beyond simplifying feature engineering. They also make life easier when it comes to managing, storing, and sharing features. Let's talk about how.

Management of Features: One of the most tedious aspects of working with features is managing them. It's like trying to keep track of all your books. You've got different genres, authors, and series—it can become a bit chaotic. Now replace 'books' with 'features' and you can see why a feature store is so helpful. It organizes and categorizes all your features, making them easy to find and use.

Storage of Features: Storage is another area where feature stores lend a hand. Think about all the data you've got: user data, transaction data, log data—the list is endless. Storing all these features can become a nightmare. Feature stores offer a dedicated space for feature storage, keeping your features safe and accessible.

Sharing of Features: Sharing is caring, right? Well, in the world of machine learning, sharing features can save a lot of time and effort. Feature stores make this sharing seamless. You can share features across different models, teams, and even organizations. So, the next time someone asks you "what is a feature store?", you can tell them it's like a library of features—easy to manage, safe to store, and simple to share. It's another way feature stores are streamlining the machine learning process.

Examples of Feature Stores in Action

The theory behind feature stores sounds impressive, right? But let's see them in action. Real-world examples always make understanding a concept like "what is a feature store" a lot more tangible.

Uber example

Take Uber, for instance. They developed their own feature store called Michelangelo. If you've ever used Uber, you've seen Michelangelo in action—whether you knew it or not. It helps predict ETAs for rides, determine surge pricing, and even detect fraudulent activity. That's right—each time you've marveled at the accuracy of your Uber arrival time, you were witnessing the power of a feature store.

Now let's sprinkle a bit of 'personal touch' onto this tech canvas. Say you often order a vegan pizza from Uber Eats. The feature store keeps track of these preferences in real-time, so the next time you open the app, guess what's at the top of your recommended list? Exactly, a vegan pizza, maybe with a new topping you've never tried before, just to pique your curiosity.

Airbnb example

Then there's Airbnb. They have a feature store called Zipline. It's there, behind the scenes, powering their dynamic pricing and personalized recommendations. So, the next time Airbnb suggests the perfect vacation rental, tip your hat to Zipline.

Airbnb Zipline (image source)

These examples show that feature stores aren't just theoretical tools—they're actively shaping our everyday experiences. They're the silent heroes of machine learning, working tirelessly behind the scenes. So, when you ask, "what is a feature store," don't forget to consider their real-world applications.

Business Outcomes

Feature stores are not just a "nice-to-have" but a quintessential tool driving business outcomes. By providing real-time insights, scalability, and operational efficiency, Uber can make data-driven decisions that have a direct impact on revenue, customer satisfaction, and even sustainability goals.

There you have it! Uber's utilization of feature stores is a fascinating glimpse into how modern organizations are using advanced tools for predictive analytics. It's an invitation to explore how feature stores could be your game-changing asset in making real-time, impactful business decisions. Whether you're an IT professional, a software engineer, or part of a product team, the potential is vast and the future is promising.

Feature Stores: Aiding in Machine Learning Models

Diving deeper into the world of feature stores, let's talk about their role in machine learning models. You might be wondering, "what is a feature store's role here?" Well, it's pretty exciting!

A feature store acts as a bridge between raw data and machine learning models. It transforms raw data into a useful format by performing feature transformations, and then storing these features for future use. Imagine having a personal assistant who not only organizes all your data but also makes it ready for your machine learning models. That's essentially what a feature store does.

But the magic doesn't stop there. Feature stores also ensure consistency between training and serving data in real-time and batch scenarios. They allow machine learning models to be trained on the same features as the ones used for predictions in production. This results in more accurate and reliable models.

Not to mention, feature stores make it easier to manage features throughout their lifecycle—from creation to deprecation. This leads to a well-organized and efficient process, reducing the chances of errors and redundancies.

So, when you think about "what is a feature store", consider it as the backbone of your machine learning models—giving them the right kind of data, at the right time, in the right format. It's like a master chef preparing the perfect ingredients for a sophisticated dish—the outcome is bound to be delicious!

Graft: The Shortcut to a Full Production AI System

In conclusion, the future of feature stores looks bright and promising. They're set to become an integral part of the machine learning landscape—helping data scientists and engineers navigate the complex world of features with ease.

A robust production AI system requires much more than a feature store. You need extensive data pipelines, foundation models, monitoring and alerting, and a significant allocation of engineering resources.

Don't underestimate the effort required to integrate a feature store. Get Graft's all-in-one AI platform to avoid pitfalls and accelerate outcomes.

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Last Updated

December 7, 2023

Further reading

JD Prater

Head of Marketing

JD writes about his experience using and building AI solutions. Outside of work, you'll find him spending time with his family, cycling the backroads of the Santa Cruz mountains, and surfing the local sandbars. Say hi on LinkedIn.

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